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WG 1 Regulatory Set-Up

This group focuses on the strategic planning of offshore renewable energy projects, ensuring that they are developed in a manner that aligns with environmental protection guidelines, maritime safety, and regulatory frameworks. Members collaborate on creating guidelines for efficient and well-coordinated spatial plans to optimize renewable energy potential while safeguarding the marine environment.

Objective: Aligning the regulatory frameworks of littoral countries of Black Sea countries, based on common permitting procedures, rules for risk management and policy support allocation.

Discussion points:

  • Identify necessary elements for a streamlined and consistent regulatory framework for offshore wind projects. Outline best practices from already-approved legislation;
  • Compare permitting procedures to reduce complexity, legal steps, paperwork, and the duration of procedures;
  • Explore options for centralized tendering for optimal auction design for offshore wind projects;
  • Include non-price criteria in tenders to ensure local communities benefit from offshore wind development;
  • Examine legal provisions for risk management and favourable investment environment.

Anticipated outputs:

  • Comparative graphical illustration of the regulatory set up and administrative procedures
  • Policy guidelines for streamlining regulatory frameworks and ensuring deployment efficiency