WG 2 Environmental Co-existence
WG2 focuses on the mitigation of the environmental impacts of offshore energy projects. Members cooperate to identify best practices for co-existence with marine ecosystems and wildlife, seek innovative solutions for biodiversity preservation and minimize ecological disruption.
Objective: Identify planning bottlenecks and knowledge gaps for micro siting of energy infrastructure in the Black Sea
Discussion points:
- Map environmental risks in the Black Sea region related to offshore wind energy in marine protected areas;
- Identifying bottlenecks and knowledge gaps specific to zoning in the Black Sea region;
- Explore data collection methodologies on marine biodiversity, habitats, and ecosystems;
- Develop standardized methods for assessing the potential ecological impact of offshore wind projects.
- Discuss strategies for minimizing the negative effects on marine ecosystems;
- Enhance biodiversity conservation within and around offshore wind projects.
- Prepare for habitat restoration and enhancement initiatives;
- Design protocols for ongoing monitoring of ecological conditions post-construction.
- Implement adaptive management strategies to address unforeseen ecological impacts;
- List criteria for zoning procedures addressing potential conflicts with other maritime activities;
- Address availability of reliable data and provide recommendations for data sources;
- Foster international cooperation on shared maritime spaces;
- Enhance inclusive stakeholder engagement in the maritime spatial planning process
Anticipated outputs:
- Guidelines for maritime spatial planning and environment derisking for offshore wind deployment in the Black Sea